Title : how I prepare a memorable and romantic marriage proposal
1. WHO AM I : Author
2. WHO IS SHE : Girl friend
3. WHAT FOR : Marriage proposal
4. 1st task : choosing ring & flower
5. 2nd task : Decorating the restaurant
6. 3rd task : Different ways to propose
7. OUTCOME : Successful proposal
8. SHOWCASE : Gallery
Title : how to be prepared for exam
1. WHO AM I : Teacher
2. WHO IS SHE/HE : Students
3. WHAT FOR : Get good result in exam
4. 1st task : Never fear or hate exam and be confident.( throw away negative words in brain )
5. 2nd task : Environment in the study room (keep away things that distract you e.g. Television)
6. 3rd task : Eat the right food and drink plenty of water ( choose the right drink and food )
7. 4th task : Other minor preparation list
8. OUTCOME : Good/ satisfied result
Title : how to prevent from snatch thieves
1. WHO AM I : Author / Police
2. WHO IS SHE/HE : Citizens
3. WHAT FOR : Safety of the citizens
4. 1st task : Identify anyone suspicious
5. 2nd task : How to prevent (e.g. place your bag/laptop bag under the car seat)
6. 3rd task : How to react when get snatched
7. OUTCOME : Less snatch thieves
8. SHOWCASE : Gallery
Ohhh the marriage proposal idea is interesting (Y)